We bought a playground for the kids a few weeks back. We still need to put it together but we have to wait until we get a couple of diseased trees cut down (we don't want them to fall onto the playground!!) The picture wasn't on the website anymore, but I found the ad and scanned it in. Hopefully it works!! Dave loves it because it has monkey bars on the back portion--so then he can help the kids learn to do pull-ups!!:)

We have a playset like that (yours is fancier, though) and the kids love it! I love it too because I can throw them in the backyard and they aren't under foot all day! :)
That looks like it will be a lot of fun. Dave should have a good time setting it up. I know he gets a kick out of putting things together.
Miss you guys.
That looks like a lot of fun! Good thing you're the one that get's to put it together, though. It looks tough!
Wow. Dave's REALLY tan in this pic. Playset looks awsome! And you guys got a great deal!
Oooo, can I come play???
Oh, wait. You live on the WRONG coast! ;)
You always leave me the sweetest comments!
I am so jealous, my kids need a good close place to play. In due time.....
Since we've had Brynner Brad and I...or rather Brad...has had to put sooo many things together and it looks like it's not going to stop any time soon.
By the way I'm going to put you in my links because I go too long without looking at your blog otherwise.
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