Here is a photo of the front of their house. It is honestly takes your breathaway when you drive up to it. It is HUGE!
This is their little "courtyard" where you can park. It is beautiful.
Here is the sister explaining the rules to the kids. She gave them each a special egg that had a piece of paper in it. When they returned from hunting for eggs they could turn in their paper for whatever it said on it...i.e. stuffed animal, pencils, games, etc...
Off they go. The majority of the eggs where at the little (first) barn and then at the big(back) barn.
Here is little Jonas hunting at the little barn with his best friend Davis.
I love this picture of Jonas all by himself looking for eggs.
Yes, I am a bad mom. I couldn't find their Easter baskets so they had to use Target bags!!
There were 3 really big eggs hidden that had pieces of paper in them. Tank found one. Those three kids got really big stuffed animals. Luckily Tank got a Bunny because he loves stuffed bunnies.
These 2 baskets were overflowing with stuffed animals, etc.. that she gave away to all the kids.
Here a picture of the bonfire that was lit after the egg hunt. We could have stayed to roast hot dogs, but we went home to help Dave work on the basement.
Here are the kids in their Easter clothes they got from the Easter Bunny.

It looks like it's good to be rich!
You kids look awesome. I can't believe how long Londons hair is getting. Grandma Bobbie, Great Grandma Putnam and I will see you next month.
Man.... It looks like they had a blast!!! I am sooooo Glad! The kids look fabulous! Aunt Karen!
Sounds so fun! What a great memory for the kiddos. The pictures are adorable. :)
Sunny, Your little kids are so dang cute! I love to see the pictures of them. The Easter outfits are cute and I can't believe how big London is getting. Time goes by so fast. Its obvious you enjoy being a mom. Hope all is well with your little family.
Much Love, Robyn Fitz
Sunny! Ahhh.... to be rich! Zach and I are rich in love and fat rolls, does that count? btw I love London's dress! Where did you get it?
SUNNY!!!!!! I can't believe I found your blog! To make a short story long, Randy started blogging, then Tyler commented on his blog, then I looked at Tyler's blog, which led me to Zach's blog, which led me to yours! Hahahahaha!! The funny thing is, I had to scroll through every blog you've posted and I STILL didn't know that this was you because there are NO PICTURES OF YOU! I assume this is because you were taking the pictures and are not seriously deformed-- but even if you are, it was fun to see your super-cute kids and remember a friend from high school. Sorry about this ridiculously long comment, but I wanted to say hi!
Oooo, I almost got the same dress for D! Where did you get the amazing vests for the boys???
To answer the fashion questions--London's dress is from Target and the boys outfits are from Costco--they were one of those that came with everything...pants, shirt, vest all for a low Costco price!! And for those that care I must mention that they are Calvin Klein--I let you know this because my kids will probably never again own anything Calvin Klein in their childhood!!:)
Looks like that was so fun. You guys are lucky to have such a great family in your ward.
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