HOORAY!!! School has started again!! Monday night was back to school night so we had the opportunity to go around and meet the kids' teachers.

Ezekiel's classroom (they didn't have assigned seats yet)

Zeke and his teacher.
Then today was the first day of school. I was more nervous sending Zeke off than I thought I would be. He isn't quite as independent as London and Tank and plus he has his food allergies to deal with at school. Then I was even more of a basket of nerves because they changed the bus number that they ride. I had written the old bus number on everything and so I was worried they were going to end up sending Zeke on the wrong bus since he doesn't know the bus driver yet. But it all worked out okay. Kindergarten is all day long here so it was a really long day for Joe because he missed Ezekiel so much. The kids had a great first day and Zeke can't wait to go back tomorrow.

My handsome kids showing off their "first day of school" attire.

Zeke was so excited I couldn't get him to hold still for a picture.

Yes, this is a bad pic of Tank, but he is so hard to take pics of because his eyes are SOOOOO sensitive to the flash. He always closes his eyes in anticpation of the shot!

Waiting for the bus!

Your kids look so cute and trendy! :) What will you be doing with little Joe all day? Poor guy!
Oh, they're so darn cute! Love their trendy little outfits. That really must have been hard to send Zeke off on the bus - but thank goodness for big sister and brother to take care of him. I can't believe how much little Joe has grown up - he's not a baby anymore!
I love London's outfit. Cierra has a similar one picked out for her first day of school but insists on wearing her uggs with her skirt. Should be cute...we will see. Their teachers all look nice. Ours starts on Monday and it will be Jonah's first year at pre-k.
It looks like they had a GREAT first day at school! All the kids looked adorable in their outfits too:) Great picture of them waiting for the bus, by the way:)
Very cute and stylish kids! I would have been a little scared to send my kindergartener(that is a long word and I'm not sure I spelled it right!) on the bus too!
ok,ok, ok, how stinkin' cute are your kids!!!!!! I bet it's prettty peaceful at your house. Can't wait till I have kids in school all day. Lucky me--I still have 5 home : ) Yes, it will be a while haha
It's hard to think that our babies are growing up so fast. Here kindergarten is almost 3 hours and Thad goes to preschool every Tue and Thurs, so I get 2 days where I have almost 2 hours to myself. It nice to have that time to myself.
I love the pics, and your living room paint color looks great. Good choice!
Oh my goodness - your kids really grew up this summer. They look fabulous!
London looks so adorable in her outfit! She is so stinking cute! Yea for school!
They look so cute in their new duds. My girls started this week and have been DYING to go to school (me too!) It is so quiet around here for a few hours a day.
I love London's outfit.
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