For those of you that don't know, 2 years ago Dave and I came on a trip back to the DC area to see if he wanted to work for a company out here. We instantly decided no. Although DC is awesome, we did not want to work there and in order to be able to afford to live we would have to buy a home 2 hours away from work. 4 hours of a daily commute was definitely not a selling point for us. We had made up our mind but since we still had a couple days left we decided to drive out to Charlottesville because the company had said we could possibly be placed there if we wanted. The whole drive we talked about how we didn't want to live here. Then we drove into Charlottesville--I can't even describe to you the feeling that absolutely just FILLED us up. I have never before or since felt so sure about a location being the right place for us and our family. As we were planning on heading out and even looking at houses, etc...the military gave us a once in a life time opportunity to go to Hawaii. The company in Virginia wasn't sure when they were going to bring us on and so we decided that we better take the Hawaii job in the mean time. I know that going to Hawaii was what we were supposed to do but in the back of my head I knew that we needed to be in Charlottesville in the long run. When our time in Hawaii came to an end we were offered the job that Dave has now for the military. At first they told us that it would be in either Charlottesville or in Georgia. I just started to weep because I knew that we were supposed to be here. Then they told us they wanted us in Georgia. I was heartbroken. I knew that we were supposed to be in Virginia. Then, again at the last minute, it was decided that they did need us here after all. I have never before felt so guided to a single location. I know that this is where we are supposed to be. I sent Dave out to buy the house and I didn't see it until the day we signed for it. But as we drove the windy, tree covered road to our house I just started to cry because I KNEW that this was the place that the Lord had set aside for me. This is really where we are supposed to be at this time in our lives. I mention all this because as we drove back from spending the summer in Utah I had that strong, overwhelming sense of home as we approached Charlottesville. I love it here. I love Virginia. I know that we might not stay here forever, but I am going to stay here absolutely as long as I can!
We live just minutes from the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah National Park. These are photos from the park near the end of April just as spring was beginning and some of the many whitetail deer you will see as you drive through the national park.
This photo below is of the little squirrel that lives in our yard. My parents bought a bird feeder for us when they were here and our little squirrel decided it was for him. We should probably name him. Does anyone have any ideas?
Now for the most recent historical Virginia adventure. A few weeks ago we went reconnoitering for an officer training day that Dave is in charge of (basically a field trip for the officers!). So off we went to Appomattox. It was so much fun. Dave and I were in heaven. The kids, of course, didn't appreciate it as much. Especially since we had to sit and wait for Dave to get done talking to the Park Ranger about all the details for his special day.

While we were waiting for Dave to finish up with the details I kept the kids busy by taking photos of them. Some turned out blurry (I have a cheap camera) and of course I had a hard time getting Tank to look at the camera.

This house is the MacLean House. It is where General Lee and General Grant had the surrender meeting.

This is the street out in front of the MacLean house. I can't remember it's name. The soldiers for the South had to lay down their weapons along this road as part of the surrender ceremony.
This guy was awesome about keeping the kids entertained and busy with stories about the war and the youngest person that fought and how they had to shorten his gun to make it lighter for him to carry.
He even let them lift up the gun to see how heavy it was.
Then he gave us an authentic bullet from the Civil War found at Appomattox! The kids loved it!
This is the actual Appomattox Court House.
Sorry for the long post! I'll try to keep them a little shorter in the future!!

This guy was awesome about keeping the kids entertained and busy with stories about the war and the youngest person that fought and how they had to shorten his gun to make it lighter for him to carry.

Geez Sunny. You should be a travel brochure writer. You are making me want to move there too!! Seriously that is awesome to love where you live. I unfortuantely do not feel that way about San Antonio. I hope to feel that way someday...soon would be good.
Can't wait to come and visit! Tell your slacker husband to click on the little link i sent him from ESPN to join the WJHS Fantasy Football League (not the acutal name of our league). we're going to try and draft this week. Love, the Hancocks.
Those pictures make Virginia look so appealing! :) It must be so nice to live somewhere that you know you belong! We would love to come and visit someday... Yes, I'm totally inviting myself! ;)
What an awesome place to live! I'm super jealous, and I LOVE your house. I don't blame you for never wanting to leave! Thanks for sharing!
What a Great Post! And the pictures are absolutely adorable. I know Micah and I are definitely glad that your family finally made it to VA! We are really enjoying getting to know you and your sweet family! Hope to see you again soon, I guess Sunday at church,l if not sooner:) Keep those posts coming:)
Wow, that did it. I'm moving out that way with or with out Randy! Between you and Jadi, I'm starting to think that Utah isn't my dream place! Maybe we'll have to come and visit you.:)
So I was scrolling back through your pictures, and may I just tell you how super cute your kids are! They look like little models, super cute! Your little boys are going to be heartbreakers! So cute!
Wow, what an amazing story! Isn't it great to know so strongly that you are where you're supposed to be. And I love the shutters on your house. I think it elevates the level of style tremendously. :-)
I'm totally biting at the bit to get to Virginia, (4 months to go) especially now that the principal has made yet another un-brilliant maneuver (see my blog). Fairfax county schools, here we come! Can't wait. Can't wait to see the architecture, the seasonal weather, the deciduous trees, and you guys too!
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