There are a ton of things dissing "my man" that I have found online but I had to share 2 of them because they just blow me away!
First is our good old friend Jennifer Lopez. Have you guys heard what she said about Michael Phelps getting too much attention??? Okay. I have found a bunch of things written about this but I have to share I certain article because it also mentions a football player that thinks he is better than Michael. So here it is (This is from ) :
While faithful Juice*heads are cheering the good news Michael Phelps brings to the table, Jennifer Lopez is so vain that she thinks she should be getting all the attention, and not some silly swimmer with eight gold medals, according to MSNBC's The Scoop.
Lopez was on Good Morning America (they're the home of dirt lately) on Monday to yak about how she's going to be in the Malibu Triathlon, but "couldn't understand why everyone is talking about that swimmer," a source from the show said.
"She couldn’t come up with Phelps’ name, and then she yammered on about how she was the one training for a triathlon just six months after giving birth, and how that was the big story right now, not 'the swimmer.' "
What a priss; Lopez and her ego are just behind Cincinatti Bengals wide receiver Chad Johnson, who was quoted in tbt*'s SportsTalk as saying on ESPN that he knows "a couple people who could beat Michael Phelps right now," and that he was one of them. These people need to be thrown into a pit and forced to beat each other with baseball bats.
Who are these people? Don't they realize that right now Michael has made history that is unlikely to surpassed in our lifetime!!!! AUGHHH! I agree with the author of the article--these people do need to be hit in the head with a baseball bat!
Then, while I was looking to see if good 'ole J. Lo apologized for her comment (which I can find no such retraction of her idiotic statement) I found a statement by fellow swimmer Amanda Beard that just made me lose all respect for her--not that she was ever a favorite of mine. This is from but I verified it on a bunch of other sites.
All the shallow people in the world who are making nasty comments about Michael Phelps’ appearance exemplify why the world is going to hell in a hand-basket. Michael has brought joy and pride to the United States representing us in the 2008 Olympic games, he has accomplished feats we can only dream about, he loves his mom, he’s gives back to his community and has a work-ethic we should all strive for, yet all I keep reading about in the rags is how “unattractive” he is.
GROW UP people, not everything in life is about looks. Not all things center around people’s appearance. Not to mention the fact that I think Michael is perfectly handsome, but I tend to value what comes from the inside more than the outside, so I don’t expect everyone to have the same aesthetic viewpoint I have.
As for the Amanda Beard/Michael Phelps dating story, he’s WAY TOO GOOD for any athlete who cheapens her talents by posing for Playboy. Why not let the sluts with self-esteem issues do spreads, and the athletes set good examples for our youth? Yeah I am talking to you AMANDA. I am not sure what’s more disgusting, the despicable way you spoke about a teammate, or or your tasteless visage plastered all over the web?
When asked about whether she’s dating the world’s greatest Olympian, did Amanda really need to respond with “Ewww, gross,” or “I have better taste than that?” All I can say is her taste is all in her mouth.
I understand that my guy doesn't fit everyone's description of HOT, but "ewww, gross" or "I have better taste than that". Give me a break. I mean look at him:

Holy Cow Sunny...I totally agree. We are definitely Phelps hubby even has a little "man crush" on him.
I knew I wasn't the only one, Nic!!
You are so funny!! go girl!!! Really I totally agree, he has made history in the swimming field, he's amazing and can not and I mean NOT be beat. I also think you can not compare him to other athletes. Every athlete is different, Michael Phelps can not do what Michael Jordan can do and Michael Jordan can not do what Michael Phelps can do. Each athlete is AMAZING in their own right. Look at what Tiger Woods has done. Even the amazing women's basketball player, Lisa Leslie 4 Olympics, 4 gold medals, 32 wins 0 losses. Go USA!!! what I can say is that we sure do live in the BEST country ever. (also non of them can do what we do SAHM with 4-5 kids, boy do we ROCK!!) : )
oh yeah!
Way to be Sunny! I totally agree with you! Like it or not Michael Phelps will never be forgotten, he is History in the Making!!
What a bunch of snots! I never really liked Jennifer Lopez, but now I really don't like her. What a crazy person! And I'm wondering if Amanda said what she said because he turned her down or something. It sounds like what my friends and I use to say in middle school when the guy we liked wouldn't even look twice at us...hmmm...I wonder because she can't really mean that...can she? Either way, I think he's hot and I'm sure I won't be forgetting him any time soon! Thank you Sunny for this great post!
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