Well, I am going to try something new and set up a poll on the right for everyone to take. We are trying to decide whether or not to cut the boys hair for school. We would love to hear your opinions. We know a few of you are adamant about the short hair while others are sure that the long hair is better. So this way we can see who is in the majority and we will either try to keep it as is, cut it short or grow it longer.
If we cut the boys hair short it will look like the picture below. The pros for this haircut is that it is clean cut and doesn't get tangled. The cons are that I have to trim it every 2 weeks in order to keep it looking good and Jonas has a cowlick that makes the back of his hair stick straight out unless it is shaved super short--if it grows out at all it is a disaster.

The shaggy-skater-surfer look is what we are finally entering into now. (see below) The pros are that it is a pretty messy look so it doesn't required a lot of combing, it is finally long enough that Jonas's hair lays down in the back, and Tanks hair is finally starting to curl in the back again. The cons are that when we do get it trimmed to try to keep it this length the person always does a horrible job and we end up cutting it short anyway and Zeke has a cowlick at the base of his neck that pushes all his hair to one side so it looks like he belongs in the 80's because of the "tail" he has (that is uncentered, by the way).

Sorry for the hats in the last picture. It was the only one with all of the boys where it showed their long hair--all the others were at the beach with wet hair. Cons: They look like girls, hair in their eyes, has to be combed now and again. Pros: Never really needs to be cut, reminiscent of my Native American heritage, and all cowlicks are conquered.
I voted for the skater look, but I like different looks for the different boys. I like skater for Zeke, short for Tank and I'm undecided for Jonas. Maybe skater for him too. I think they'll look handsome no matter what, though! :)
they look so dang cute either way! i think i like the long. and then when summer time rolls around again go for the short. what do they want? they are adorable in all three!
I vote for the longer...it gives them more character. I am sure it is harder to take care of, but so many kids(including mine) have the short military look and I wish they had the longer hair...so my vote...GO LONG!!
Do your boys care either way? If not, I say go long, as it is almost winter time anyway ~ I mean I know we have about 3 months, but still:) I will be awaiting the Prices' final decision:)
We call the military look the "missionary look" and so I vote for short but not too short. I personally like the "clean cut look" But I think either way your boys are darling!!
Wow there is so many new posts I don't even know what to comment on! I'm happy you're back blogging! It's all great and I can't wait to hear about your trip to Utah and everything else that's going on in your life.
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