Before we came to Hawaii we were told that the best place in the world to get shave ice (not shaveD ice-- the 'D' at the end is unacceptable here!) is Matsumoto's up on the North Shore in Hale'iwa. It is a tiny little store that always has a line out the door and down the street of people just waiting for a shave ice. If you want they will put ice cream in the bottom for you, sweetened condensed milk drizzled on top and if you are really crazy you can get beans in the bottom--tried it and I have to say it is NOT recommended. The kids love their shave ice and Dave loves it even more. If you go just make sure to spend the extra 25 cents and get a shield to put it in. Not only does it help make it less messy, but also saves your hand from freezing to death. Also, don't forget to look up on the walls to see the pictures of all the famous people, like Adam Sandler, that go there to fulfill their shave ice craving!
I'm sad we didn't get any shave ice while we were there. :( Guess we'll have to head back someday!!!
I don't see any front teeth on London yet. We need a picture of those front teeth progress. Very cute to have pictures of everyone taking bites. Where's Sunny? We need more pics of Sunny.
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