My husband surprised me for our anniversary! How did he do it, you ask? By surprising me in March, when our 10 year anniversary is in August!!
He told me his dad offered to watch the kids for us so that we could go out to dinner by ourselves while we were in Utah. So he took them to go see
Monsters vs. Aliens and we headed to Red Lobster (we had a gift card we needed to use). So we got done pretty early and the kids were still at the movie so I was telling Dave we should think of something to do, but I didn't want to stay out too late cause I wanted to help put the kids to bed so that Dave's dad could get to sleep since he needed to go to work the next morning. Anyway, after throwing around a couple ideas Dave said he had a great idea and he would surprise me when we got there. So we started driving into Downtown SLC. I figured he was going to take me to walk around the Temple and I was thinking how sweet that would be to do without the kids. But we passed the Temple! So we started getting close to Trolley Square and we had gone there before on dates and so I thought that was where he was taking me--but then we passed it also!! So then he pulled up to the 5th South Anniversary Inn and I was so far from figuring out what was going on I still was wondering what the heck we were going to do--we needed to be back for Dave's dad to go to work SUPER early in the morning after all. But then Dave let me know that his dad had arranged to go into work late and that he had packed a bag for us and it was in the trunk! FIRST TIME he had EVER managed to surprise me!! Since he usually ends up being gone for some reason or another on our Anniversary he decided to take advantage of family while we were in Utah and take me to our favorite place to stay--even if it was 5 months early! He got us the nicest room in the place--The Romeo and Juliet Suite!
Here is the link to the room so that you can see the 360 view. The pictures just don't do it justice. It was by far my favorite room we have stayed in there. It was a 2 story room with a balcony and the bed was upstairs. You can't see from the pictures, but the shower was awesome--it came down like a waterfall. Definitely worth looking at on the website!

Thank you, Dave!! That was an amazing surprise. I loved it and I love you!