Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Twilight Michelle
A handful of you have asked about my new Twilight BFF and so I thought that I would introduce her to you. Say hello to Twilight Michelle. That is what we call her in order to distinguish her from my other friend Michelle.
Twilight Michelle and I started talking while in line to see Twilight the opening day. She was so fun that I asked if I could sit with her during the movie since we were both alone. As we talked we realized that we love all the same things and we really had a blast. We said goodbye at the end of the movie, but I went back to get her email address to send her something Twilight related that she wanted. And since then we have become great friends! Thank goodness for Twilight! Without it I would never have met Michelle...and I wouldn't have someone to share all my silly obsessions with.

Monday, December 15, 2008
Before and After
We just updated our Laundry Room this weekend. So here are the befores and afters. The "before" is actually before we moved in. I should have taken a picture to show you how cluttered and chaotic the room was before we put the cabinets in.
Our cabinets are a little crazy, but we got them off of Craig's List for SUPER cheap, so they will fill the need just fine for the price!

Our cabinets are a little crazy, but we got them off of Craig's List for SUPER cheap, so they will fill the need just fine for the price!

I finally have a place to hang brooms, etc... so they aren't falling all over the place.

In case you were wondering about the color. It was a mistint that was only $6 for the gallon instead of $20-something. So I thought for that price it would work well for the Laundry room--and after putting it on the walls, I LOVE it!
I also have a place to hang my ironing board and step ladder!!!

This last photo has nothing to do with the Laundry Room, but I thought I should throw it in. This is Tank with his birthday gift from Zach and Amy. The reason why it is such an important picture is because Tank is actually SMILING...AND he is even looking at the camera without squinting his EYES! A rare picture, indeed!! If only I could get him to do this for group shots!!

This last photo has nothing to do with the Laundry Room, but I thought I should throw it in. This is Tank with his birthday gift from Zach and Amy. The reason why it is such an important picture is because Tank is actually SMILING...AND he is even looking at the camera without squinting his EYES! A rare picture, indeed!! If only I could get him to do this for group shots!!

Friday, November 21, 2008
For those of you that aren't in the know...OME stands for Oh My Edward!!! a saying that tells you how my day went. Warning: If you don't like Twilight , STOP NOW!! Cause I am going to gush!!
Twilight came out today!!! I wanted to go to the midnight showing--which was supposedly sold out--but since I have little kids at home I had to make due with the first morning showing at 11 am. And I am so glad that I did. It wasn't busy at all which meant I could enjoy the show without a lot of noise. I went by myself, but quickly made a friend while waiting in line that is almost as crazy as I am about all things Twilight and so I thoroughly enjoyed sitting next to her during the show. It was fun to have someone else to drool over Edward with!!

Twilight came out today!!! I wanted to go to the midnight showing--which was supposedly sold out--but since I have little kids at home I had to make due with the first morning showing at 11 am. And I am so glad that I did. It wasn't busy at all which meant I could enjoy the show without a lot of noise. I went by myself, but quickly made a friend while waiting in line that is almost as crazy as I am about all things Twilight and so I thoroughly enjoyed sitting next to her during the show. It was fun to have someone else to drool over Edward with!!

Of course I had to wear the awesome shirt that Amy picked out for me. Thanks again, Amy!!!

Now onto the movie. Don't go see it if you haven't read the books. I just don't see how anyone could really enjoy it that didn't have a deeper understanding of what was going on. I give it 2 stars out of 4 for people that haven't read the book and 3 out of 4 for those that have. Not the best movie in the world...keep that in mind. But as far as feeding my Twilight Addiction...it totally filled my need. And on to the best part of the movie: ROB!!!! I had my doubts about him but he TOTALLY delivered. He IS Edward !!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE him.

I came out of the movie ready to see it again and I have been playing my favorite parts over and over again in my head! WARNING: Don't go in thinking it will be just like the book or you will just be disappointed. If you go into it with the mindset that you really want to see a smoking hot Edward...then you'll love the movie. There are a few parts that you will go "what in the world???" but if you just look past those things you will at least enjoy it. For those of you that love Twilight, I think you will really have a fun time at the movie!

Now onto the movie. Don't go see it if you haven't read the books. I just don't see how anyone could really enjoy it that didn't have a deeper understanding of what was going on. I give it 2 stars out of 4 for people that haven't read the book and 3 out of 4 for those that have. Not the best movie in the world...keep that in mind. But as far as feeding my Twilight Addiction...it totally filled my need. And on to the best part of the movie: ROB!!!! I had my doubts about him but he TOTALLY delivered. He IS Edward !!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE him.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This is America!
The second grade put on a play last night called "This is America". Teancum helped sing 2 songs and he had a speaking part.
Speaking part
Speaking part
Song #1
Song #2 (This one is cuter, in my opinion)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The 7-year-old Crusade
Near the beginning of the year Teancum was introduced to the Indiana Jones trilogy. And he has LOVED Indiana Jones ever since. Here is a picture he drew of him. It didn't scan as well as I would have liked. We even went as a family to see the new movie. Which, of course, Teancum loved.

So when deciding what to do for a party the theme of Indiana Jones was brought up. And Tank instantly had an idea for a party favor. Since we had taken swim noodles and cut them up to make light sabers, he thought that we should take jump ropes, cut them in half and make them into whips!! What a great idea! So here is what one looked like. I spray painted them brown and wrapped the handle in electrical tape.

Jonas running from the boulder.

I LOVE this pic of Tank reading the clue!! (the clue was taped onto the boulder)

The last clue to find the "treasure"

So when deciding what to do for a party the theme of Indiana Jones was brought up. And Tank instantly had an idea for a party favor. Since we had taken swim noodles and cut them up to make light sabers, he thought that we should take jump ropes, cut them in half and make them into whips!! What a great idea! So here is what one looked like. I spray painted them brown and wrapped the handle in electrical tape.

Front of the invitation

inside of invite(sorry, hard to read--I blacked out dates, addresses, etc..)

Luckily we were blessed with 70 degree weather!! So we had the party outside. This was "Base Camp".

I found Indiana Jones Party hats online. They were really cute but looked like they were made for infants when I pulled them out of the package. See how small they are on my kids' heads.

Tank demonstrating how to use the whip

Tank and Zeke fighting with the whips. (Don't worry--I tested them out and there was NO way they could hurt eachother with them. It was like trying to hit someone with a piece of yarn!)

The expedition crew

We started out at base camp with a letter that Indy had left for Teancum. (hope you can read it)

The snake pit (If you look hard you will see snakes everywhere--especially on the ground)

When they got to the bottom of the slide they found the next clue

They had to run down our hill away from the "boulder". The boulder was my exercise ball wrapped in brown paper bags!

Jonas running from the boulder.

I LOVE this pic of Tank reading the clue!! (the clue was taped onto the boulder)

To find the next clue the kids had to use a roll of toilet paper to make one of them into a mummy. I had previously put the next clue around a toilet paper roll and then re-rolled toiletpaper on to it.

The pinata--Blue star was the best I could find that wasn't spiderman or something like it. No pictures of them hitting it because it didn't last long and it was a little chaotic!!

This clue was inside the pinata.

This "cave" actually had a blanket over the front so that it was semi-dark inside. They had to go in and grab as many bugs as they could in 10 seconds. (It was filled with bugs and mice and snakes)

Then they had to decode the message written on some of the bugs to find the next clue. (It just said "side of box"--figured I would make that part easy since the previous part wasn't)

The last clue to find the "treasure"

This is our version of "The Ark"--a gold spray painted styrofoam cooler!

It had Teancum's present from us inside of it.

Then we had cake!

After cake we opened presents. This is a card one friend made. It is a little hard to see but it is so cute. It is Indy with a sunset in the background.

So that was our 7-year-old birthday crusade. Thank goodness for the internet because I got a lot of the ideas from there. It only took about an hour to go through the treasure hunt, so I am glad that I scheduled the party for only an hour and a half. The last half hour the kids played Indiana Jones on the playground and in the "cave". Their goody bags had a magnifying glass and compass and squirt gun(along with all kinds of bugs) in them so they used those as props as they played. Over all it was a great party!
Happy Birthday Tanky Boy!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
November 11th!!!!
What happens on November 11th, you ask?? Only the most anticipated CD release EVER (for our household, anyway)...DAVID ARCHULETA!!! That's right, on the 11th we will finally be able to listen to that cute little boy every day!! Don't know why, but that little guy just makes me smile everytime I see him. I tried to put his music video for his single on here but I couldn't(it was disabled). Here is the link to it though. It is really cute.
I love American Idol, but last year it just took on a new obsession. I have never enjoyed it quite that much and I have never had the desire to go out and buy a CD from one of the contestants. Not only that, but this year London and I loved our little Archie so much that while we were in Utah during the summer we went to the American Idol concert!
Eating at Cheescake Factory prior to the show.

Grandma LaBounty went with us! (and so did Grandma Bobbie, Aunt Amy and Aunt Lissy!)

Mom and London excited for the show to start!

London screaming when David Archuleta came on stage!

Luckily they had big screens so that we could see his face since we were SOOO far back!

Archie at the piano!!
I love American Idol, but last year it just took on a new obsession. I have never enjoyed it quite that much and I have never had the desire to go out and buy a CD from one of the contestants. Not only that, but this year London and I loved our little Archie so much that while we were in Utah during the summer we went to the American Idol concert!
London with her ticket!

Grandma LaBounty went with us! (and so did Grandma Bobbie, Aunt Amy and Aunt Lissy!)

Mom and London excited for the show to start!

London screaming when David Archuleta came on stage!

Luckily they had big screens so that we could see his face since we were SOOO far back!

Archie at the piano!!
(I know I should have been in it too--oh well!)

This is a little clip of when David Archuleta came out on stage. Since we saw it in Utah everyone was there to see him so the place went crazy. It was a 100 times louder for him than any of the others. Infact, near the end of the clip you can tell that he has started singing but you could BARELY hear him because it was sooooo loud!!
In this clip it keeps going out of focus because of all the lights effects they had going on. Yes, you can hear me and London screaming--embarrassing as that is, I still wanted you to get a little taste of what the concert was like. The screaming was soooo much louder in person!!
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