We just got back from Kauai on Tuesday night. We spent 4 days there and I was ready to come home...and drop off the kids and go back!!! We will definitely be visiting there on our own next time! Our camera broke so I didn't get pictures of all the pretty places we saw like the waimea canyon (Hawaii's Grand Canyon) or waterfall, etc... We figure we will get those pictures when we go back without "distractions"... a.k.a. kids! I am, however, going to bombard you with the few photos we have that did turn out okay. Mostly just pictures of the beach and the house we stayed in on the military post--if you are in the military definitely take advantage. It was wonderful and we basically had a private beach. There were never more than 5 or 6 people there with us and usually we were alone!! The beach had crabs everywhere first thing in the morning. The picture with all the mounds of sand is of all the crab holes that they had dug along the beach. They would be out and crawl into them when they saw you coming towards them. It was really cool. Also, some of the pictures of the ocean and beach you can see the neighboring islands, Ni'ihau and Lehua. The beach where we were staying was great because it had a depression that would fill with water at high tide and then stay filled for the afternoon. It was only about a foot deep so the kids had a great time playing in it without the fear of the waves getting them. Dave went surfing so that he can say that he has surfed on Kauai and there is a rare picture of me boogie boarding--since I am normally the one with the camera! We also went to Jo Jo's Shave Ice. It is supposed to be the best on Kauai--and it was GOOD! Instead of normal vanilla ice cream like we get here, it was macadamia nut ice cream under the shave ice. Very tasty. The kids thought it was a fun that it was called Jo Jo's since that it Jonas' nickname. Next time we go I will make sure to get LOTS of pretty nature shots because Kauai is gorgeous.
Seriously, your life there looks like an awesome never ending vacation. Looks like so much fun.
Hey Sunny! this is amy. wow your kiddies are beautiful. We sure miss you guys. Thank you so much for the b-day present! It's beautiful! Zach threw the card away... what was the website? I'll call you later. I can't wait to come back to Hawaii. i am thinking of getting time off now for next summer.
Hey Amy,
The website is themagicskirt.com. We miss you guys tons and can't wait for you to come back.
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