For those of you that have any doubt in your mind about what a little stinker Jonas is, I now have photographic evidence! But first I need to tell you about his destructive day yesterday. We had a couple 12 packs of diet pop within his reach--first mistake!! Well, he took them all out of the boxes and lined all of the other shelves with them. I told him to stop before he made a mess but I was too slow getting to him--second mistake! He dropped a can of rootbeer which then exploded--shooting rootbeer up and down every wall, door, and cabinets. Not to mention the fridge, stove, dishwasher and the floor. Jonas was covered and slipping and sliding in rootbeer. After quickly cleaning before anything dried and got sticky, Jonas wanted a can of fruit for lunch. We have been redistributing the canned food we have onto different shelves because the weight was starting to cause some bowing. Well, we hadn't done a good enough job because as Jonas started to climb the shelf, as soon as he put weight on it, it clapsed--slipping tons of cans of food everywhere and managing to break open a can of tunafish and get that wonderful smelling juice everywhere!! Luckily Joe wasn't hurt!! As for today---While I was taking a shower he decided to dump out almost every bin of toys they have by throwing them over the banister from upstairs down into the foyer. The pictures are of what I saw when I got out of the shower! The other pictures are of him being impatient with me and getting out a package of Ramen noodles and eating it raw. Of course Zeke wanted to try after that. He ate long enough for me to take pictures but then decided it was gross. Jonas on the other hand carried his ramen around with him all day! Who would've guess that one little kid could cause such a MESS!! The picture of him smiling and eating the Ramen is a classic picture of his devious little smile that pops up any time you tell him that he is being bad. It is usually accompanied with a little raspy, devilish laugh--"hee hee hee"!
that is soooooooo funny!!!!! and those are very interesting little facts about you!
why do people / kids eat uncooked ramen noodels? At least my crazy kids aren't the only ones...
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