Sunday, August 5, 2007

Butter Boy

Well, now that Jonas is getting bigger he is also learning that if he is hungry or thirsty he can get in the fridge. The other day he brought a whole gallon of milk upstairs to my room to tell me that he wanted something to drink. He has also learned that butter is pretty good! He started doing this when I wasn't watching..obviously!! I would look in the fridge and see huge bites out of the butter. He, of course, thinks that it is really funny. Now he is taking to trying to eat the hot dogs while they are still in the package. The last bunch I cooked fell apart when I took them out of the package because he had literally bitten them in half while they were still covered!!! And just for the record, I DO feed him! In fact, he is quite the little piggy!


Zach 'n' Amy said...

Wow! Jonas is finally getting cute! :)

Dee and Bobbie said...

Jonas, if you roll the butter cubes in sugar and eat them they are called "bars of shame" . ;>)
Papa Dee