Have a Very Merry Christmas from the Price’s
Well, the first item we like to inform people of is where we currently live. It changes so often that some of our Christmas card list recipients may not know. Surprise!, we still live in Virginia. We are pretty sure this is where we want to stay for a long time.
We had a very sad event this year. Dave’s mom, grandma Sue, passed away in June. Christmas time was always her favorite time and so I’ve been thinking a lot about her recently. It certainly wasn’t sudden and Sunny and I had started to pray and fast that her suffering would come to end. We miss her a lot and even more around the holidays.
Here are the individual reviews. We will go oldest to youngest…so Sunny is up first
Sunny:Sunny completed her college degree. I am so proud of her and glad she is finished. The other life changing event Sunny had this year is the Twilight Saga. It might be more, but Sunny admits to reading the four book series at least four times. She has a trip planned early next year to go visit the town where the book takes place with her sister-in-law. Big Twilight, Stephanie Meyer, Rob, Edward, Jacob, Forks fan!!!
Dave:Well, in addition to working on the basement I had a few things that kept me busy this year. I finished my Captain’s Career Course. This is the school I have to take prior to being selected for major. It will be another few years before I am eligible for promotion, I was just lucky enough to get a seat in the school and get it knocked out early. I was also sent to Iraq for about a month. This was a short or temporary duty assignment. Other than being away from Sunny and the kids, I really enjoyed it. Iraq in short time periods if fine, it’s the 18 month assignments that get old. I spent a lot of time in the AIRPAX terminals, (small, uncomfortable holding locations where you wait for your plane or helicopter to show up). I caught rides on black hawks, Chinooks, baby Chinooks, C-130s and a few others. The ride is always the fun part. The hours spent waiting for the ride with a bunch of other stinky Army types is not.
London:To say that London has adjusted well to Virginia would be somewhat of an understatement. She is in the Drama club, tested well enough in math to be selected for the math club, and was voted class president. London has always had an easy time making friends, which has come in handy since we moved around so much. The most important event for London this year was her baptism. Yes, London turned eight and was baptized. Sunny and I are happy she was baptized but I am a little nervous that she is half way to driving and dating. Its happening too fast.
Tank:Is still doing great in school. In fact, he did so well that he was nominated for a special school/leadership course this summer. We probably won’t end up doing it because it is crazy expensive, but are proud that his teachers felt he was such a good student and role model that they took the time to nominate him. Tank just turned seven and had a way cool birthday party (see Sunny’s blog post). Two words, Indiana Jones. The ward called us to schedule his baptism for next year. Thanksgiving weekend 2009 Tank will also be baptized.
Zeke:Well, Zeke now goes to school all day and is doing great as well. He is supposed to be at a level 5 reading level by the end of the year and is already at a 4. He is so proud to ride the school bus with his big brother and sister. He is such a good kid at school, his teachers just love him.
Jonas:Even little Joe goes to school now. His preschool is Tuesday through Thursday in the mornings. The girls at the school recognized Joe as Zeke’s little brother and immediately started to take good care of him. I think Joe will be the beneficiary of a lot of that in the future. Joe going to school has given Sunny a taste of the freedom she will have in a year and a half with Joe goes to school with the rest of the kids. It’s a bitter sweet feeling, but Sunny has definitely had the hard job during our marriage so hopefully she will have a little more Sunny time when the kids are in school all day long.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.
The Prices

Sunny, I heard you took your visit to Forks. Umm, hello, I live RIGHT THERE! Why didn't you let me know you'd be close by?
Tsk tsk tsk. I'm shocked at such behavior. ;>)
Merry Christmas to you too!!!! : ) Love the family picture!
We were totally THERE for Christmas this year! Hadley loved seeing her cousins and Bunkle Steve loved all the corn doggies and ICBs. We also discovered the Rukersville Dunkin Donuts...mmmm chocolate donuts.
Steve, Kylee, and Hadley
The Alabama Rebs
They are IBC rootbeers. I guess you'll have to drive the 11 hours out here again to drink a few more until you know the name. Did your UofU shirt ever make its way back to you? The kids say hi to Hadley and want her to come back soon.
You guys look great! Sunny, what did you get your degree in? Congratulations! That is so awesome! It's a great feeling, huh? Well, don't be a stranger!
Thats crazy about the Inn, I think I would have peed myself when I heard foot steps.. I think I would rather spend the night in the car.
Looked like alot of fun tho, I cant say I know any of the places seeing as how I just got the books and need to start reading them.. and didnt see the movie either.. lol Im so out of the loop.
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