This weekend we had a ward Trunk or Treat. The kids were way excited to dress up and test-run their costumes. In case you don't know, the theme for our kids this year was Narnia. London was the White Witch, Teancum was Peter Pevensie, Ezekiel was Edmund Pevensie and Jonas was Aslan the Lion. Most of the pictures we have are of the boys holding up their swords and sheilds and screaming "For NARNIA!!!", while Jonas roars like a lion. After the Trunk or Treat we headed over to the Ewa Railroad. It is a little historic train that only runs Sunday afternoons so we have never been able to go on. But this year they decided to have a Spook Train for Halloween. It was their first year doing it so it wasn't that great---but it was such a hit that I am sure that they will be doing it bigger and better next year. Most of the pictures are self explanatory, but there is one of London "acting" scared, one of Zeke hiding behind the shield because he really was scared and the best is of Jonas pinching his nose--He said he was doing it "so the Monsters won't see me!" I don't know where he got that from but Dave and I got a kick out of it. The one of Tank by himself was the best one of him we had. He is scared of the flash because it hurts his eyes, so he would always anticipate it. Oh well! Have a Happy Halloween!!

Oh my goodness !!!!
That looks like the REAL Narnia gang. Great picture with the swords in the air.
London, Tank and Zeke look a little scared on the train but I couldn't see Jonas (he must have been holding his nose!).
We can't wait to pull the "Wild Bunch" on the sleighs behind the four wheelers.
See you in a couple of weeks.
Papa Dee or as Grandma Bobbie writes it "Pappa" Dee
WHAT A CUTE IDEA! They look perfect. London looks perfect as the snow queen and soooo beautiful! Seriously Sunny, you are going to get rich someday using your excellent and creative planning skills. You really have an awesome talent!
Those are awesome costumes!! Did you make them or buy them??
Definitely store bought this year since I didn't have a sewing machine here.(It is in storage back in Utah) But I got them for not that much at the disney store online and they are such a good quality that I might just do that from now on and save myself the headache!!
Those are AMAZING costumes!!! I just do the store-bought ones for my kids. I'll make the birthday cake, but they get off-the-rack costumes! :D
Amen to the Disney Store online thing...I got Emma's Nemo costume there for cheaper than I could have purchased the fabric. :)
Do you guys do a theme every year? How cute! I love it...the cutest halloween pictures I've seen in a long time.
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