I am such a slacker! Sorry! I keep meaning to update the blog but never get around to it. I have 1 semi-good excuse and 1 that is just ridiculous. We'll go for the decent excuse first. My living room is done!!! (Mostly, anyway) I will take pics soon but I still need to find(or make--hopefully find) some curtains to work in the room and I need to repaint my ugly endtables. But as soon as that is done I will put up the pics. I am so happy to have pictures on the walls and couches that I can sit on and bookshelves with BOOKS!!!!! And, most of all, my comfy reading chair and ottoman! It is going to get worn in a lot faster than the sofa and loveseat cause I NEVER let the kids sit on them--they(the kids) have been banished to the basement. So that is excuse #1--I have been putting together furniture and hanging things on walls and unpacking books---FINALLY! Excuse #2: I just finished reading the Twilight Saga (yes, all 4 books) for the second time in 2 weeks. I know I am sooooo silly, but I enjoyed it sooo much that I had to read it again. Actually I read the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun that are on Stephenie Meyers website. (The link to the chapters is
http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/pdf/midnightsun_partialdraft3.pdf ) For those of you that love these books, you will love to read the few chapters she has posted of this book. It is Twilight from Edward's perspective. It makes you understand him better and Bella also. After I read the chapters it left me wanting to finish the story so I picked up where it left off and read Twilight again--and then I couldn't stop and had to read the rest of them again too. I know...I am like a silly addict. If I would've know I would be so consumed I might have waited to read them until all the kids were in school!!! So those are my excuses--not good ones I know--but excuses none the less!!
So here are a bunch of random pics from the last couple weeks for grandparents that are wanting to see more of their grandkids!
This is a pic of London on her first day of Drama Club. She told me she had to look especially cute that day. So we did our best. Her school has a drama club once a week and in the spring they are putting on a musical. Here in the next few weeks she is going to try out for the lead, but she is already excited about just being in the chorus if she doesn't get it.
Jonas and I had a fun errand day last week. We had to go all over the place. His favorite was the grocery store because they had a special cart just his size. He was so proud that he was able to load it up and push it through the store!

Last Friday we were supposed to meet a group for a field trip at an orchard, but due to some confusion and bad weather we ended up being the only ones there. We had a blast though. Jonas picked a bag full of the most delicious apples we have ever had. We are going to take all the kids back there soon because it was so fun. (you can kind of tell in the second pic--it was REALLY foggy!)

Last week Zeke was given the Star of the Day because he was really good in class--at least that is what he told me. He was soooo pleased with himself. Please excuse his messy face. He drank some gatorade right before I took the pic since he had just finished working out! (Dave has been exercising with the kids almost every afternoon when he gets home. They LOVE it and they are already seeing a lot of improvement.)

London did look especially cute in her outfit for drama club:) You will have to keep us posted when the play is in the spring, we would LOVE to come!! We went last year, when the Risk son and Tonia Lester's son were in it and it was really good:)
You other little one looked SO CUTE with his shopping cart in the grocery store! I LOVE his "excited look".
I can't wait to see your living room! BTW it is so funny, I just bought that same butterfly sweater for Tatum. Great minds think alike...
the pictures are so cute--and can Jonas be any CUTER. Too Bad I don't have any daughters : ) Can you believe that I haven't yet read the Twilight series. I don't even own the boos. But apparently I need to if you've already read them twice. Hopefully someday soon. : ) (yeah right)
Ohmygosh, Sunny, what CUTE kids! Can't wait to see the finished livingroom!
The pictures are so cute!!
I told you though...read The Host by Stephanie Meyers!!!
It takes a few chapters to get into it but then you won't put it down.... I promise.
I am glad you are feeling better. give everyone a hug and kiss from AZ
I've heard The Host is good but haven't read it yet. I'm also a fan of the Twilight Series...but not enough to read it again after two weeks-that's awesome!
Can't wait to see some pictures of your new living room-I need some more decorating ideas!
Jonas looked adorable with a little shopping cart. I would have flipped out over that when I was his age. You know your getting old when you start saying things like, "Kids don't know how good they have it!" :)
Hey, this is gonna seem sooo random, but did you go bon losee? you look so familiar, and if you are the sunny that was there several years ago, we were there together and i remember your competition stuff in long beach! anyway, sorry if i sound like a stalker! just wanted to say hi in the off chance i knew you way back when... later
Your not as bad a slacker as I have been, so no worries. =) So I know Im probably the only one that hasn’t read the Twilight series. After Im done with the series im reading.
Your kids are getting so big, and cuter everyday. I wouldn’t have recognized Jonas, he is getting so big how old his he now?
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