Here are a couple "before" pictures

These aren't very good shots, but it gives you the idea. They really needed a desk--or 3--since they all have schoolwork to do now. So we decided to buy the components from IKEA and give them a built in desk that would fit all three of them. (yes, I know there isn't much room--but our kids do not play in their bedrooms. All toys are required to be in the family room.)
Their beds only ever get made this well--sorry, I was too lazy to make them for the picture.

In order to move things around we had to get rid of a dresser. Since Tank's bed was meant to go against a wall (his platform bed has drawers and cabinets on oneside), one side was just a big, empty space...enter IKEA again! We bought these office drawers and took the casters off of them and now Ezekiel has a futuristic dresser that fits right in with their space station bedroom.
The colored "spheres" in the left hand corner are planets hanging from the ceiling.

In order to move things around we had to get rid of a dresser. Since Tank's bed was meant to go against a wall (his platform bed has drawers and cabinets on oneside), one side was just a big, empty space...enter IKEA again! We bought these office drawers and took the casters off of them and now Ezekiel has a futuristic dresser that fits right in with their space station bedroom.