Monday, May 11, 2009


All of my children have been cursed with cowlicks. London's will keep her from ever having bangs. Zeke's makes it look as though we cut a chunk of hair from the base of his neck. Tank's is the only reasonable one that merely causes him to have a forced part. Jonas, however has a cowlick that beats alllllllllll other cowlicks. His hair either needs to be shaved(I mean ALL the way shaved!) or at least 4 inches long in order for it to be tamed. We are in the process of trying to grow it out...we are ALMOST there, but here is what it looked like a couple months ago so that you can have a true appreciation for what I am working with!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha ha! My brothers were all cursed with cowlicks, so I understand your pain. One of my brothers still has to buzz his hair, and he's 26! :)