I hadn't even heard of these books until a couple of months ago and now Twilight stuff is EVERYWHERE! Maybe it was before too and I just never noticed it. I was absolutely enveloped in the first one and finished it the same day that I started because I was enjoying it too much to stop. And after that I was hooked. I finished the second one by the next afternoon and was anxious for Dave to get home so that I go buy the last 2 books. I was going crazy wasting a few hours that I could've spent reading!! I always thought that the people that were GAGA for the books were a little weird and what not but after I read the last book I have to admit that I am too!! I have never enjoyed a book more thoroughly than I did the 4th book in the series. She surprised me at every turn and left me absolutely glowing with joy when the saga ended. Now I am anxiously awaiting the movie although I know that it will in no way do the book justice. I need to find someone to go with me that loves the books as much as I do...Any volunteers????
And for all my friends that have sworn off the books, refusing to get caught up in the madness, I say....Just let yourself go. They are so enjoyable!!! And I promise that by the end you will be in love with Edward Cullen just as much as the rest of us silly adults that are acting like teenagers! Seriously the most fun I have ever had reading. So go buy them--there is no way you are going to get them from the library--I tried!!! (the waiting list was insane!)
I absolutely LOVE these books. I started reading them last year. I read the first 3 in a week and 1/2. I called myself a bad mother in that time, but Kaleb thankfully understood and let me read. I couldn't wait for the 4th book to come out, in fact I went to the release party.
I'm very sorry to hear about your shoulder I hope that you recover quickly. I also wish that we lived closer so we could go see the movie together. Take care.
Sorry about your shoulder! :( I hope it feels better soon!
I am probably the only person alive who doesn't like the Twilight series, so I probably wouldn't be the person you'd be seeking for even if I did live closer! :)
I tried so hard to not read these books. I use to be a Buffy fan back in the day, and some of my family and friends still make fun of me to this day. I thought that if I read these books, it would just be like adding more fuel to the flame. Well, after all of the young women in my ward, my husband-he knows I love to read and his co-worker suggested it, and my friends at work kept offering to let me borrow their copy, I finally caved in. I'm so happy I did, and I don't care if I get made fun of because of it. They are so worth it!
I hope your shoulder feels better soon. I'm very sad to hear about it. Yea for great books to help pass the time! :)
So glad you read them! That's what I spent most of July doing. I'm now trying to talk Shane into reading them...we'll see if I can do it. My sister-in-laws and I are all going to the midnight movie premiere in November. You should go with your girlfriends! :)
I found your blog on Holly's blog so I thought I'd check it out! I liked the first book but I had trouble getting into the second one and then it was due back to the library (before they were so popular) and I didn't get to finish it. My cousin told me I need to finish the series so I'm thinking about giving the second book another go. I definitely want to see the movie and would love to go with you! I hope the movie is as good as the preview! Heidi Monteith
Heidi--I agree the second book was the hardest for me--mainly because I felt so bad for her. It was sooo sad. But the 3rd is super fun and the forth is just so happy--at least it was for me. Definitely try again--it is worth it.
OK your 4 days beats my week and a half. Wow! You are a fast reader! Yes the 2nd book was the most boring... 300 pages of hanging out in Jacob's garage drinking warm soda pop. Where is my Edward? I agree, people shouldn't resist these books. They are so fun! If I am in Virginia in Nov. we will go see the movie together for sure! I'm so glad you read these!
p.s. my favorite t-shirt so far is "edward can bite my pillows any day"
Oh Sunny---read The Host by her as well....very different and yet very good.
Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope it heals quickly.
No one knew about Gary...I really hadn't called. He is doing a bit better
Glad John and John R are keeping busy. I hope their project sells quickly and for a good price (lol) I should call again and keep up email conversation too.
Luv you guys.....
Amy-I agree that IS the best t-shirt I have heard of too!!
YEP I read the first! LOVED IT But haven't read any of the others waiting til I have a day or two to myself where i don't have to do anything! I can't wait- Maybe Kev will fly me out so we can go see the move together!!! HAHA Hope your shoulder is better-
So what am I missing here? I swear, I must be the only person in the world who has no idea what these books are! Do you mind filling me in???
Oh, by the way, you have been tagged. Go to my blog and look at the post titled 6 Random Things About Me for the rules! ;)
Yup, just started it last night. I feel like a lemming.
But, it's for book group. ;)
Hey Prices,
Haven't seen you guys in years! Unbelievable how much has changed in that amount of time. Glad to see you are doing well. You're kids are adorable! I read the Twilight series twice in less than 2 weeks. Fun and addicting ;) Tell David I said hi!
Your cousin,
Laura (Hatch) Macnab
Sounds like we are the same! I just finished the series for the second time. It was fun to go through and see the little things that I missed the first time. Definitely just as fun the second time around!
Sunny, your literary taste disgusts me. I have nothing more to say on the subject.
But Curtis....I LOVED your book too!!:)
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